Frequently Asked Questions
If you have forgotten your password, click Forgotten your password? in the start screen. Then follow the instructions provided by the FNT Service Desk.
Yes, the password can be changed at anytime at Profile (see Chapter Changing the password in the manual).
The status of the ticket is displayed at various places. The status is displayed at the top right in the opened ticket. The status is displayed in the Status column on the Requests page.
You can cancel the processing of your ticket with the Canceled by Customer function. The ticket status then changes to Canceled by Customer. A ticket with this status cannot be reopened.
You can reopen tickets in the RESOLVED status with the Reopen by Customer function. Tickets with the CLOSED status cannot be reopened.
The solutions for tickets in the RESOLVED status can be confirmed with the Closed by Customer function. After executing the function, the ticket is closed and changes to the CLOSED status.
Yes, another person can be added to the ticket with the Share function in the opened ticket (see Chapter Share in the manual).
Two options are provided for this purpose.
1. Use of "Organization":
The "Organization" function makes it possible to group FNT Service Desk users so that you can view and process all requests of the colleagues from an organization.
NOTICE! Because an organization can only be setup centrally by the FNT Service Desk administrator, it must be requested from the FNT Support.
2. Non-use of "Organization":
- Add all users to all requests with the "Share" function. With this variant, each user has only one login and always an overview of all issued requests.
- Create a login for a group address and add it to the request with the "Share" function to obtain the overview of all requests. In this case, the user must login with the group address login to obtain an overview of all requests.
When "organization" is used, the colleagues must be assigned to the same organization. The automatic processing of shared requests is then possible.
If "organization" is not used, there is unfortunately no possibility; the colleagues must be added again to each request.
Yes, a group address can be used not only as single login of a company, but as additional login to add all users to a request as described in the question 8. In this case, also specify the group address when requesting/checking the users.
Yes, although the Web portal is recommended for creating, viewing and changing requests, a request can also be sent as e-mail to or be made as a phone call.
Yes, components can be requested via the CI Components - Request/Change CI Component category.
Yes, after logging in to the FNT Service Desk, you are able to request new users as well as modifying or deleting existing users using the entry FNT Service Desk User Management. If you can´t find the entry, please contact us via phone or email ( and will activate the User Management for you.
No, although we want to replace Mantis with the new FNT Service Desk in the long-term, currently, tickets must still be issued in Mantis.
Yes, the Export function allows your requests to be exported as CSV.
CSV (All requests):
- All requests from your organization are exported.
- All requests with you as reporter are exported.
- The list is limited to 100 data sets.
CSV (Current requests):
- The requests are exported in accordance with the search restrictions.
- The list is limited to 100 data sets.
- Please note:
If you are authorized for several organizations in the same FNT Service Desk project, the search restriction status is ignored.
Requests remain in the system for at least the legally required retention time of 10 years.
Your feedback to our FNT Service Desk is explicitly encouraged. You can send your wishes and opinion about the FNT Service Desk from the Feedback category within the tool. We thank you for taking time!
On Monday, February 10, 2020, the component download was changed to the latest Command version with HTML 5. As part of this maintenance work, the URL for logging on to the component download has been changed. The new URL is as follows:
Please replace the previous URL in your favorites with the new URL that is now valid. Please also note that due to the HTML 5 conversion the component download is no longer accessible via Internet Explorer.