FNT Command 14.2, the latest long-term support release of the FNT software, is now available. It includes numerous new functionalities and improvements in the areas of Cable Management, Data Center Management, Telco Networks and IT Infrastructure Management. In this video, our team of experts will introduce you to the most important new features and functionalities.
Key takeaways:
Watch the video to learn about key improvements and enhancements, including:
- Easy Command Adaption: Freely position and configure standard and custom attributes using dynamic templates
- Improved ProcessCenter Command Integration: Better performance and easier expandability to include new use cases thanks to more direct communication between Command and WorkOrders in ProcessCenter
- New functionality in Cable and Outside Plant Management: Autorouting functionality provides quicker access to relevant information with different views of duct and cable routes
- Documentation of GHG emissions: Extend the comprehensive infrastructure management capabilities of FNT Command with the powerful FNT Sustainability to document greenhouse gas emissions (GHG Scope 3) and ensure regulatory compliance

Bernd Pratschke
Product Manager

Matthias Gromann
Director Business Line IT & Data Center Solutions

Stefanie Siegel
Product Manager
About FNT Command 14
The FNT Command software package provides full transparency into all IT and telecommunications structures for managing IT assets, cabling and infrastructure, data centers, and telecommunications resources. FNT Command thus enables the provision of high-value IT and telecommunications services. Like our customers, we take an integrated approach to all resources, from cabling through to service provision.